Thursday, November 27, 2014

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

She Won't Reveal 29



            She Won’t Reveal (29)
                      Nidhu Bhusan Das

 Amlarem’s abuzz with a juicy story. It’s a news which has acquired dimensions.People’ve heard through the grapevine about the return of Nilu.Only it hasn’t reached the bungalow of Anu which is silent in gloom. However, the story of the house hasn’t brimmed over its four walls. People around look at the bungalow with awe and has reverence for the angel who owns it.Nilu’s always a talked about girl in the area. She’s a charisma for her beauty and amorous escapades. Before her last departure, she’d been beyond the reach of the common folks, and even overshot her family background. People couldn’t understand how Nilu and Anu were friends. They thought the company of Anu might chisel Nilu into a gracious girl. Her dating with the stranger Amal changed the popular perception, and when she departed with the trekker, rumours worked its way through the society. She returned to Amlarem face downcast last evening. Those who saw her disembarking from a taxi reported she’d lost the lustre and turned sickly.
             That morning well after Amal left for Mussoorie for a couple of days Nilu decided she’d leave. The passion of the parting kiss didn’t betray the mind of Nilu.Amal left assured. Soon after Amal left, Nilu sent the maid Babita with a long list of assorted things to be bought from different shops which would take at least a couple of hours. Once Babita’s out of door, Nilu began to pack and took enough cash and two debit cards of Amal she uses. She’d given Babita the duplicate key of the house saying if she’s in the bathroom by the time she returned she could open the door. She phoned a taxi operator’s office and asked for a taxi to travel to the railway station to catch UTTARANCHAL EXPRESS to Delhi at 11 a.m. She booked a berth online and telephoned Jerry requesting him to receive her at New Delhi at 9 p.m. Jerry’s enthusiastic and said he’d be there on time. She left the house as soon as the taxi arrived at 10 a.m.The train’s on time and she boarded it,relieved.She took with her the cell phone kept in the house for Babita to use so that the maid would remain delinked from Amal.
              She spent the whole 8 hours aboard planning what to do with the little one in her womb, and she’d tell Jerry of her predicament, and desire to do away with it and be with him for ever. During the journey she kept both the cell phones switched off and from time to time switched on hers to talk to Jerry and keep him in good humour.
          Finding the cell phones switched off, Amal became anxious, and started back and reached Dehradun early in the morning while Nilu’s abed in the warmth of Jerry. They’d a wonderful night together. Jerry didn’t mind her being pregnant, and throughout the night they’re busy making love. He said he’d arrange for the termination of the pregnancy if she’s serious about it. Also, he’d take her hand if and when she desired so. They spent the night in joy and planning. They left bed at 9 a.m. and spent wonderful time in the bath tub after morning tea. Now, after brunch they went to the clinic which Jerry contacted by phone. She’s admitted and it’s decided after pathological tests, the womb would be washed the next morning.Meanwhile, cash’s withdrawn from ATM as permissible.
Back in Dehradun, Amal’s terribly upset. He’s unable to comprehend the significance of the development. Babita’s clueless. He shared the development with Jyotirmoy by phone. Jyotirmoy found the news disturbing. He anticipated trouble for Amal in case there’s an accident. “God knows what’s in the mind of Nilu.Will she go back to Amlarem? Maybe, she won’t. She loves life and wants to enjoy it to the heels. She may have other plans. It’s possible she doesn’t like being mother right now. She’s ambitious. To her fulfillment of ambition comes first, then other considerations. So, Amal may remain unconcerned,” he thought.
            In the cabin of the clinic Nilu’s cheerful after a long time and felt comfortable, really. Jerry comforted her with kisses and tender talk. It’s decided after the termination they’d marry. The physical contact brought about their psychological proximity, and they felt it thoughtfully.” No second thought, we’re together for ever. None can split us,” said Jerry, confident.
“Are you sure?” Nilu’s eager to know.
“Have you any doubt, dear?”
“I don’t know,” said Nilu clasping his hand.
“Let’s forget the past, live in the present and look forward to the future,” said Jerry smiling.
“Can you, really, forget my past with Amal?” asked Nilu with doubt in her eyes.
“Forget that and forgive Amal,” Jerry’s gracious.
             Though rarest of the rare, Nilu’d the post-abortion complications. She’d severe abdominal and back pain and couldn’t stand up, fever above 100.4 F. She had to remain under medical care for about a month. She became weak and lost the lustre.The doctor said she’d regain health soon. Jerry’s concerned but strongly believed what the doctor said about her recovery. Come what may, he wouldn’t part from Nilu.He came to love her, and would be happy to have a sweet revenge on Anu who’d insulted him at her house in Amlarem where he’s sent by Arup as his emissary.
The complications over, Nilu desired to go to Amlarem to see her parents and tell them she’d marry Jerry, a brilliant professor in Delhi. Jerry encouraged her and they flew to Guwahati.According to the plan of Nilu, he put up in a hotel in Guwahati and Nilu went to Amlarem. The news of Nilu’s return spread like wildfire. That very night Nilu settled the issue of her intended marriage with her parents who wouldn’t go against the decision of the daughter. She called Jerry and her parents invited him to rush to Amlarem to solemnize the marriage. Hurriedly wedding cards were readied. Nilu’s parents came and personally invited Anu to attend the ceremony.Anu smiled sadly and said,” I’d definitely go if I’m well. My health’s going indifferent these days.”
             Jerry rang up his mother, discussed the issue and called her to fly to Guwahati.She knows Anu, and has come to know about her son’s recent affair with Nilu.She loved Anu so much that when Jerry went to visit her, she sent a variety of chocolates she knew Anu liked. She’s shocked when Jerry reported Anu’s rude to him and showed him the servant’s room to spend the night. She consented to the marriage. The next day she flew to Guwahati and joined the son, cheerful. Ms A.G. Brown, a senior editor in the Delhi Bureau of an international publishing house, is a widow and liberal Anglo-Indian. Jerry shared everything about Nilu with his mother. She attended on Nilu like a mother during her post-abortion problem. They reached Amlarem Friday evening and wedding’s on Sunday. They put up at Hotel Cynthia.
            The weather’s pleasant, the leaves were green and birds were eloquent under the placid sky.Ms Brown thought it’s the auspicious time for her son’s wedding.Nilu and her parents visited them at the hotel.Ms Brown treated them with coffee and snacks, and invited them to lunch the following day.
                   At night during lunch Jerry suggested that they might go and invite Anu to the wedding. Ms Brown shrugged off the suggestion: “Son, don’t be silly. Who’s she to be invited? Forget all those rocking days. Be serious from now on. You must be a responsible husband.” ( continued on 4th December 2014)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

She Won't Reveal 28

            She Won’t Reveal (28)
                      Nidhu Bhusan Das

Nilu and Amal came into relationship, whatever be its actual nature, through physical proximity and face to face interactions. The present phase of relation between Anu and Maqbool’s the consequence of online interactions.Anuradha’s a complete stranger to them. She belongs to the world of fancy they created. They’ve built a fragile house of cards that may crumble any time at a slight tug.

               They’re all millennials, born between 1980s and 2000.Millennials’ve come to know adult relationships with mobile phones. They’re used to keeping options open in terms of building and sustaining relations. This is generally a generation of contradictions. They can bravely let the rest of the world into their online world with gay abandon. They’ve endless options, nothing seems permanent. They mayn’t interact with anyone face to face, if they so decide. A non-committal text may be sent. It merely dangles the possibility of meeting. The social psychologist Ben Voyer warns that while texting and online messaging are perceived to be easier than face-to-face contact or a telephone conversation, in the medium to long term they can make things more difficult. In face-to-face contact we’ve more visual and audio cues to help form an impression of someone. Endless texting can never offer the same insight into someone’s personality as even a single face-to-face conversation does. The-don’t-know-what-is-going-on phase of a proto-relationship may go on and yet it may not be possible to understand the mysterious state of proper Girlfriend and Boyfriend.
           This may lead to disappointment. Psychotherapist and relationship specialist Emma Weighill-Baskerville identifies the situation thus:” The person may not fulfill the fantasy created through literary communication alone – this is only one piece of an individual. With texts, you’re allowing a large space for fantasy to take over.”
           Voyer explains, “People are increasingly constructing two identities – their online identity, and their offline identity.” He points out that “new ways of interacting have widened the gap between our actual selves – who we actually are – and our ‘ought’ selves – who we think other people want us to be.”

             So, proper, honest, face-to-face communication is important. However, for a generation practically weaned on electronic devices, person-to-person communication isn’t exactly the strong suit. Anu and Sujata are friends since schooldays having physical proximity. Anu-Anuradha and Anuradha-Maqbool relationships are online and technology mediated. In the absence of face-to-face communication, Anuradha’s now vis-a-vis a devastating crisis. How she’ll tide over it is a serious question. Besides, she’s a greenhorn in the world of web, and isn’t from a metropolis.Also, she isn’t an alumna of a renowned school, college or university which could make her as fit as Anu and Maqbool for the world she relishes and would like to ascend through love and matrimonial alliance. Unequal relations don’t survive, generally in practice as it may do in dream generated in the make-believe virtual world.
              Maqbool made several calls which’re rejected by Anu.He, therefore, decided to catch the next Delhi-Guwahati flight and reach Amlarem at the earliest to settle the score with Anu.”I’ll remind her how she inspired and directed me to befriend Anuradha.I didn’t know her. It’s Anu who told me to send her a friend request and confirmed that Anuradha’d accept the request. I’ll refer to different situations which speak of Anu’s amours with me. That Anuradha’s marriage with me will be contracted in her presence and we’ll live with her was her suggestion. I was given to understand that Anuradha’d be my contracted wife and Anu’d be the virtual consort. Since she’s a liberal attitude, I thought she won’t mind the bigamy. Also, I thought Anuradha shares the attitude of Anu since, everyone knows, birds of a feather live together. Besides, Anu categorically told me again and over again that Anuradha takes every step under her direction and in keeping with her advice and suggestion. So, I told Anuradha the thing. What’s wrong in this, I’d ask Anu,”Maqbool told to himself, determined.
           Anu’s concerned about the possible strategy of Maqbool.She’s busy drawing up her own plan of action in case Maqbool tries to blackmail her. She thinks it’s most likely.” I ne’er loved Maqbool. When classmates at college jeered at him I felt empathy. He told me his being neglected in the family. He’s three mothers, two being step ones. His youngest mother’s of his age. She would dote on him, take him to her room, talk of tender feeling. His other step mother came to know about it. She told his father and he became furious, and began to hate him and his biological mother who’s his eldest wife. At the request of the mother he’s sent to Kolkata, but he wouldn’t get sufficient money from the father. So, he’d to do different things. But he’s brilliant and did well academically. I helped him which Arup couldn’t like. But I responded to my conscience. If he’d thought that meant my love for him, I’ve nothing to say,” she reminiscences.
“Anuradha’s my cyber friend. I haven’t seen her, heard her once in a while by phone, have impression about her reading what she writes in the chatbox.It appears she’s a good girl. I never encouraged her to have Maqbool as her friend. It’s her decision and they’ve decided to marry on their own. Since they haven’t the means to maintain a family right now, I told them to be with me for the time being. Now my good intention’s being misinterpreted. I’m no longer in it,” she contends.
“I cannot jeopardize my family, friendship with Sujata and lose the affection of Thammi. I must go by what Thammi wants and Sujata and her son suggest. I cannot lose those who’ve been with me through thick and thin for those who seek my protection and would cause trouble for me,” she’s discrete.
              Anuradha’s determined she’d have Maqbool at any cost. She believes Maqbool cannot leave her. They’ve had many an hour of amorous secretion while kissing, licking, sucking, hugging, and lying together orally in cyber chat and telephonic conversation. She’s damn sure Maqbool likes her posture, easy-going-approach and plump face with wide eyes. In fact, Maqbool often tells her eyes are a reassuring shelter for his eros. She finds in him the perfect man with beard to be her partner-in-love-and-life. She’s confident she can have her alone, and dissociate him from Anu.To her, the beard shows his strong masculinity and genital ability. She’s never before found a man with such profound eyes. The dimple, though under the thick beard, is so prominent that to her it suggests his strong passion and amour. Moreover, she believes, being his wife she’d be able to move in the circuit of the socialites in five-star culture which she’s come to cherish.
She pinged him and also made a call. He pinged back. “Are you upset, dear?” she asked in a wet tone.
“No, not at all, honey. I believe you and am sure you won’t misunderstand. I dislike the bitch, your ma’am,” he sought to assure her though he’s desperate to reach out to Anu.
“Forget her, she’s a pervert. I’ll never again communicate with her,” Anuradha committed while she knew she’d maintain liaison with her ma’am.
Throughout the night the trinity continued to devise stratagems, counter-strategies and invented lies to safeguard their individual interests. Sujata, her son, Prafullada and Angshu looked forward to seeing how the situation would develop the following day. None in the house was aware of the plan of Maqbool to reach Amlarem in the evening. However, acting on the dictum’ The sooner the better’ Prof. Sanyal’d the plan to settle the issue in the breakfast meeting and bring order and peace in the house and the reconciliation would be celebrated in a dinner he would throw. ( continued on 27th November, 2014)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

She Won't Reveal 27

            She Won’t Reveal (27)
                      Nidhu Bhusan Das

It’s the night of suffering and waking dream for all in the house. Thammi in her room was pondering on the evolving situation which’s heart-rending for her. Lying on her back, she stared at the ceiling. She knew her ANNU’s star-crossed, so she’s concerned, and apprehended her grand daughter might be desperate and rash even to the extent of being sadistic.Thammi’s disturbed ANNU’s often misunderstood although she’s clean in conscience. She remembered her son and daughter-in-law and thought of sadly their agony, and how much upset they might have been all these years, their only child being away from them snapping relation. Her heart bled and she’s unable to bear the trouble that terribly shook her mind. Tears rolled down the corners of her eyes. It’s all hell for her.
                 At dawn when Sujata’s eye-lids’re down, Anu tiptoed into the room of Thammi.She felt pity for the granny, rubbed her soft palm on the forehead of the grand old lady while her tears rained down and mixed with that of her mentor. The face of the lady thus became the confluence of the distress of the two.Thammi’s aware of the presence of Anu but didn’t feel like looking at and talking to her. She murmured,”God, how long should I bear the burden of guilt and grief,” and turned to the left.Anu’s sitting on her right.Anu stooped and with the mouth down to her ear called “Thammi”.She didn’t respond. Anu remained stuck to her side, understood Thammi’s disturbed and mightn’t be happy with her. She lay beside the grand old lady and contemplated.” No, I won’t do anything which could hurt Thammi any more,” she resolved.” I’ll go by what Sujata and her son tell me to do,” she decides.” I must have been wrong anyway, and they’ve rushed to me guided by love, reason and goodwill,” she understood.
“But why Anuradha’s had such an enquiry. She’s never asked me such a question since we came to know each other about two years from now,” Anu tried to understand.
“Maybe, Maqbool exaggerated our relations. He’s often overzealous. This is a trouble with him,” she tried to analyze.
“The Kashmiri boy one day proposed after I’d fallen out with Arup.I didn’t reciprocate,” remembered Anu.
“Does he have the mind to have both Anuradha and me? They don’t have any problem to be in polygamy. His father is well-disposed with three consorts who’re all happy,”Anu perceived.
“Why should I share bed with Anuradha? I’ll never tie knot, will only be in sadhana.I told him. He’s a fool or might be desperate,” she introspected.
“I shouldn’t have inspired him to befriend Anuradha.However; she isn’t supposed to know I’m behind their friendship. But why should she be in love with a complete stranger, that too with a boy from a different religion. It’s one thing to be an e-friend, I’ve never before heard of an e-lover,” she argued.
“A few days back she told me she couldn’t live without Maqbool.Strange, indeed. She’s stupid. But I cannot but like her. She’s innocent. I understand her situation and sentiment. Even today I cannot forget Arup. The memory of Arup prevents me from being the wife of any other man. But Arup’s my classmate from nursery. When and how our friendship turned into a love affair we couldn’t understand,” Anu recapitulated.
“I’ve told her my story of failed love, and she said her life’d be sad like that of mine if she loses Maqbool.She loves him madly. Love’s madness, isn’t it?” she asked herself.
“Well, I shouldn’t continue to be entangled in their affairs,”Anu decided.
“But feel I’m guilty because I’ve inspired and directed the friendship and love they’re in,”Anu thought aloud conscientiously.
             But Sujata’s her own perception and interpretation of the situation, the fiasco. Her long-held conviction about Anu’s about to crumble. She’s constrained to think and believe that her long-time friend could be involved in such a dangerous game involving an innocent girl.” Is not it a kind of perversion?” she thought. Her son Prof Sanyal thinks alike but feels the responsibility of bringing Anu back to track, to her original sense and sensibility. He’s determined to try it optimistically.Prafullada and Angshu’re morose and despondent. They couldn’t anticipate what’s in store.
Back in Jalpaiguri in West Bengal Anuradha’s at a loss. She hadn’t responded to repeated calls from Maqbool, and now her cell phone’s switched off. Delhi’s far off now for her. In a moment Maqbool’s gone far away from her. It’s the moment of reckoning for her.” Why’ve I come to love a complete stranger of the virtual world? I’m a fool, really,”she thought.
“It’s been imbecile on my part to take the virtual world as the world of reality,” she tried to understand.
”But can people be so rude and mischievous? Maybe, Maqbool’s tried to trap me. In that case couldn’t ma’am have alerted me? I respect her, trust her sincerely, I depend on her completely. Why hasn’t she guided me?” she’s puzzled.
“I believe ma’am is an ideal person, a friend indeed, a reliable guide. She’s been a heavenly guide for me online. I shouldn’t misunderstand her. She must have a solution to my problem with Maqbool,” she thought looking at the profile picture of Anu online.
“But ma’am writes in the latest e-mail ‘many told at our college that Maqbool’s an abandoned child, a pimp which we didn’t take seriously since we didn’t have interactions with the boy having effeminate manner. Why’s she put out the information at this juncture? She could have done this much earlier, isn’t it? What more does she holds undisclosed about Maqbool?” she thought seriously.
“Why’s ma’am become so irritated when I quoted that Maqbool told she also loved him? Is it that Maqbool lied? Why should he trade in lies which might jeopardize our relation?” the questions agitated her mind.
“Ma’am said I’ve developed love relation with Maqbool without her knowledge. But I’ve kept her informed of every bit of our amorous advances. She’s never discouraged it. Rather her responses encouraged me. I don’t know if I failed to understand her,” she’s confused.
“Ma’am is furious. She’s asked me not to contact her and has wished that I be happy. How can I be happy without Maqbool? She should understand that because she’s the experience of failed love and consequent sadness. She’s shared that with me,” Anuradha remembered.
“Should I dash her an e-mail simply saying,’Ma’am do you want that my life be as sad and rudderless as yours?’ Will it be the right thing to do?” she’s clueless.
“No, it won’t be the right thing to do. Maybe, she’s disturbed. Does really Maqbool’ve a love relation with ma’am? If so, why she’d encourage us to be in love and to marry? Is it that she likes to see me lovelorn as she is? Is it correct? She’s a sensible and caring lady, absorbed in sadhana. She once said, ‘Maqbool is for you, only for you, Anuradha, none other than you’ve right to have him.’ Who could be the other she might have meant? Is it she herself? I didn’t ask her, she told that unasked for.Why? Does it betray her emotion? In that case, what Maqbool claimed about her love for him may not be discounted as false. God, please help me! I’m in a critical moment. I can’t believe a virtuous lady like ma’am can do what Maqbool claimed. But Maqbool’s also a good boy, he cannot be a pimp as ma’am had heard at college,” Anuradha’s unable to comprehend.(to be continued on 20th November 2014)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

She Won't Reveal 26

            She Won’t Reveal (26)
                      Nidhu Bhusan Das

The dinner’s sumptuous. Fine Basmati rice, fish curry, Egg Foo Yung, Chicken Masala, dal and dissert were prepared by Anu, with Sujata helping her silently. Again there’s a shower of praise on Anu.The atmosphere appeared to be congenial for the talk to begin after the dinner. The professor announced he’d throw a dinner on the occasion of the birthday of Anu tomorrow and his MAA would take the responsibility of cooking. A clapping followed.Anu doesn’t celebrate the birthday throwing party, and this would also be a private affair.So, she nodded while she appeared to be brooding. Half-an-hour after the dinner, all were in the drawing room. The professor sought to set the tone with the prologue: “We’re going to celebrate the birthday of my auntie in a befitting manner tomorrow.Prafullada will supply the best flowers and a big bouquet, Angshu must create a brilliant image of her with floral background on the computer and my MAA would sing paean of praise to honour the human qualities of the auntie.”
            All said ‘Agreed’ in a chorus.Anu smiled and like a lightning it lit her clouded face. She said,” Let’s begin. I think Prafullada and Angshu have decided to leave me. I believe in personal freedom of taking decision.” A silence followed.”Anu’s like that; she never budges from her position,” thought Sujata.The professor’s taken aback at what Anu said.” Does she want to preempt any move towards reconciliation?” thought the professor.” Well auntie, do you think they should leave you?” asked Prof. Sanyal, visibly disturbed.
“It’s up to them. The decision’s theirs,” Anu said unperturbed.
“If they continue to stay with you?”
“Son, let them decide. None’s indispensable, you know,” she said harshly.
“We’ve come here anxiously to see you happy. If you’re happy without them we’ve nothing to say.                 Everyone’s the right to think none’s indispensable. But there’re times when the indispensability’s a stark reality. You may have for now the feeling they are dispensable, maybe you’ve your own plan,” said the professor without emotion, reading the mind of the determined girl. Meanwhile, Sujata’d told him about Maqbool and her intimacy with the Kashmiri boy during the college days. Sujata herself is distraught at the attitude of Anu.She’s always been her prop whenever Anu’s in crisis. She now feels she and her son aren’t also indispensable for Anu now. She doesn’t feel she’s crisis-ridden and cannot visualize the perils that would follow when she’d implement her reckless plan to marry the possibly innocent girl to her playboy Mostaq and keep them with her. The professor yawned and said he’d like to go to bed. “Tomorrow we’ll have to celebrate the birthday of auntie and undertake the journey back to Guwahati,” said the professor yawning. Sujata rose to help her son go to the guest room. The cell phone of Anu rang. “Hello Anuradha, how’re you?”
“What! Am I bound to tell you Maqbool’s my friend? I told you he’s my classmate. Isn’t that enough?” cried Anu, furious.
“What! Maqbool’s told you I’m his beloved and that’s why I want to keep you two with me? What nonsense!”
“Maqbool, don’t be silly. I’ve told you I won’t marry, and we devised the plan to keep it to ourselves, not to share with anyone. And you did it to scandalize me, isn’t it? Okay, do whatever you like; I’m no longer in such things.”
“Well, you don’t understand Maqbool; it’s a grievous wrong you’ve committed.”
“Anuradha, what you’ll do is absolutely your matter. Whether you’ll marry him or not is no longer my concern, understand?”
“You won’t? Okay, never disturb me again, Anuradha.I’m not interested to know what you think bigamy and if you’d be party to bigamy or not. There should be a limit to stupidity, Maqbool,” she cried into the phone and ending the call hurried to her bedroom, leaving behind the others.
            Everyone’s stunned at the development. It’s obviously a conference call, Anuradha calling the shot. The professor found the report of Angshu corroborated.Sujata’d the sad relief. She’s sad Anu played with fire and relieved that her reckless plan fell flat, and the innocent Anuradha might have been saved by providence.Sujata took her son to the guest room, Angshu followed. She bade them good night and went upstairs to the room of Angshu, silently.Prafullada went to his room.Anu heard Sujata barred the door, and understood her friend-in-need’s angry and disturbed. The way Auradha and Maqbool interpreted her plan’d caused pain to her. She found it wise now to jettison them altogether. She hadn’t been able to assess Maqbool and understand he’d turned a rascal. She relented and knocked on the door to talk to Sujata who’s awake. The door was opened in no time.Anu hurled herself on to Sujata and began to cry, relentlessness.Sujata let her cry. This continued about 10 minutes. Now looking straight at Sujata she said,”Sujata, dear do you believe what you’ve heard?
“What do you mean?”Sujata feigned innocence.
“What you’ve heard I was talking into the phone,” she said.
“I don’t know about Anuradha and Maqbool.So, I am not interested,”Sujata showed indifference.
“Maqbool’s that Kashmiri boy, our classmate at college,” said Anu.
“My knowledge about him’s that he’s an abandoned child and the idea’s that he’s a pimp. You may have a good opinion of him and I am not going to contradict you since you could till date keep relation with that guy,” said Sujata in a breath.
“What could I do? He collected my cell number somehow, maybe from Arup and made contact.”
“I would have discouraged him, you’re so silly,” Sujata reprimanded.
“I’m sorry.”
“What about the girl? How she got connected with you and Maqbool, I mean how the triangle got formed?”
“She’s my e-friend and also of Maqbool,” Said Anu.
“And so you’ve arranged for their marriage. The girl must be honest and is now in the clutches of a pimp.Very sad,” Suajata said in agony.
“Believe me Sujata, I couldn’t understand he’d try to blackmail and scandalize me.”
“If you’ve the clean mind, I should say there’s a larger conspiracy involving the sister of Arup who provoked you to resign. You should have understood it.”
“Yes, I should have. Now what should I do?”
“It’s up to you to decide. We have nothing to say because you don’t hear. My son is disturbed at the development. Let me consult him. You may also talk to him.”
“Let’s go and talk to him. He must be awake, being disturbed.”
“Let it be in the morning. Take time to firm up your mind. You must jettison both the friends, or we wouldn’t be interested to suggest and guide.”
“I’ve decided.”
“But before that you must tell the girl about the nature of Maqbool and prove to her that you’ve snapped relation with the rascal.”
             Anu at once telephoned her e-friend, told her everything and said an e-mail would follow. Now she drafted the mail: “You might have misunderstood me. You know I’m not responsible for your friendship with Maqbool.It’s your decision.Maqbool might have referred to my name to win your confidence, and you’ve developed love relation without my knowledge. Yes, Maqbool’s my classmate, and he may have tender feeling for me that I don’t know. I understand now he’s the mind to blackmail and scandalize me. So, I’ve snapped contact with him. What you’ll do is your matter. I’ve nothing to say. What I would like to say and emphasize is that don’t try to contact me any more. That’s all. Be happy.”
            Anu showed Sujata the draft and asked for suggestions for addition and alteration, if necessary.Sujata read it minutely and suggested that ‘…and he may have tender feeling for me that I don’t know ‘portion be dropped and be replaced by ‘many told at our college that Maqbool’s an abandoned child and a pimp which we didn’t take seriously since we didn’t have much interactions with the boy having effeminate manner.” Anu agreed and edited the draft accordingly and sent it immediately. ( continued on 13th November , 2014)