Friday, March 28, 2014

She Won't Reveal (8)

She Won’t Reveal (8)

Nidhu Bhusan Das
Nilu was back home, proud. She telephoned Mr. Bose at 11.15 a.m. In fact, he was waiting for the call. She occupied his mind and thought since he'd woken up in the bright morning. He’d many thoughts. What’s the good news she’d share with him, would the news be good also for him, would she enjoy the exclusive time with him, or it’d be merely a meeting of convenience for her only?

While Mr. Bose was speculating thus, Nilu planned elaborately on the impending encounter with him. She’s sure he’d be useful for Kolkata as Jerry’d be for Delhi and Oxford. She keeps Jerry in good humour with phone call every night. She’d keep Mr. Bose within her breath, and be very casual with him. That’d be paying, she calculated.

Mr. Bose beamed as his cell phone buzzed with a Beethoven, and received the call.
“Hello..A..,” Nilu faltered but recovered in no time and said,”A-mal, it’s Nilu speaking.”
His first name sounded so sweet, and he felt the warmth of her breath flowing into him with her mellifluous voice.
“How’re you, Nilu? Good Morning.”
“I’m fine, you?”
“Excellent, waiting for you to meet.”
“I’m within your reach, dear.Only 20 minutes away.”
“Is it?”
“I’m excited, dear, going to ignite the car to race to you.”
“I’m thrilled at the prospect of having a fantastic time together.”
“We’ll have, dear, so soon.”

At 11.40 a.m. the doorbell of the hotel room rang, and Mr. Bose rose from the sofa and rushed to open the door. “Hmm dear! I’ve come…to be with you,” said Nilu with a smile that spread all over her Aryan face which had the hue of a fresh yellow rose. He took her hand and they melted into the room.Nilu hurled herself into his embrace. Their warmth shut out the chill of the Himalayan December. They sat on the sofa and she went into a huddle with Mr. Bose. He began to fondle her and gently imprinted a warm kiss on her forehead which she felt with eyes closed, and, in return, planted her lips on his. This being the intense romantic aura, the minds had distinct thoughts.

“Is it real? Why this sudden rush and crush? She hadn’t shown such craziness last time in the hotel. She visited me, as it were, to speak her mind on Anu, and her infatuation to Jerry, originally friend of Anu. She’s critical of Anu to the point of being vituperative. Now she’s totally different,a girl  without blushes, demonstrates her lust and love. Is it a kind of honey trap?” thought Mr. Bose with Nilu breathing emotion, swelling his.

Nilu’s clear in her calculative thought. She had only one emotion. It’s not of love. It’s not of any finer feeling. It’s a passion for upward mobility in respect of her academic ambition. She’d like to repeat the stratagem which had brought her success so far. Even the inclusion of her for presentation of paper in the seminar in Shillong was possible because Jerry had been instrumental. Professor Jyotirmoy Sarkar of Calcutta during conversation at his hotel room referred to Amal Bose and said they were classmates and still good friends.Nilu said Amal is her friend and was now at Amlarem on trekking. Prof. Sarkar is a renowned scholar and senior academic with clout. He laughed and said Amal cannot resist the call of the Himalayas. At once Nilu decided she’d use the good offices of Amal to her advantage. Emerging out of the room, she called Amal in an amorous tone which surprised and excited him.He began to feel Nilu is a real girl vibrant with life and love.
“I’ve come to love you, dear.It’s fantastic being with you. I like people of the world. You’re, really, a man exploring people and climes. You know the language of heart. Won’t you own me? We’re made for each other,” Nilu expressed an impassioned desire.Mr. Bose had been longing for such an advance since he met Nilu.Being an introvert he’s unable to express himself. During college and university days, he’d so many girls to his liking but couldn’t go over to anyone of them. No angel was there to come and tell him,” Yes, Amal I love you.” Girls have their own conceit and they don’t like to lose their personality proposing. They demonstrate their spring of love only when approached. Only Nilu is an exception.Mr. Bose being hungry might have failed to understand exception isn’t to be relied on as a pure emotion. He thought,” After all, Nilu’s boisterous and a well of love. She overflows in the Cupid-free Himalayan nook.”

Mr. Bose was overwhelmed. They frantically made love, unaware of the gliding time. They went to the washroom when it’s 3 p.m. It’s late for lunch, but they’re contented. Soon they got out of the room and into the dining room on the ground floor. There’s no diner then, and they’re alone. The menu was of Bengali food.Nilu said she couldn’t like fish because of the bones, and usually avoid. “I’ll sort out the problem, dear,” Amal assured and said,” I’m going to get rid of the bones for you, okay!” Nilu beamed,” So nice of you. I know you’re there to help me, always. Now on we’re together, perhaps, for ever, if you like.”Amal confirmed,” I like to be if you’re also eager.” He fed her, literally with his own hand as they now felt they had, meanwhile, shared everything and would continue it after the lunch was over.

”I enjoy the food,” she said earnestly.
“Because it’s delicious, and they cooked well.”
“Not that. It’s because you’ve fed me. It’s fantastic, you know.”
“I’ve the pleasure, honey.”
“Also it’s mine, sweetheart.”
Amal looked at her watch and said” let’s not waste time. We may go back to the room, perhaps.” She took the hand of Amal, and they climbed the stairs to the room.
Once in the room, they were on the bed feeling the aroma of their breaths in silence with their lips locked in wild pleasure. Feeling the state of bliss Amal said, “I can bet the world for you, Nilu.” Nilu softly said,”I know, darling. You’re so good.I could never miss you.”
“Have you found any opening? I’d like to get you settled in Kolkata.What Jyotirmoy said?” Amal wanted to know.
“The Professor’s all praise of you. He loves you so much, as if you’re gay. I’m jealous, dear,” she said in the warmth of their contact.
“We’re good buddies, you know,” he said.
“He’s a powerful man, can create openings for me.”
“Maybe, I’ll be able to see to that.”
“Would you do that, dear? I’m really fortunate.”
“Fortune has brought me here this time, or I’d miss you, honey.”
“Then we’ll be ever together in Kolkata.I love to be in Kolkata,I dream the city.”
“Won’t you dream me?”
“Can’t you believe it?”
“I feel it.”
“That’s like my boy,” she said and began to snog him wildly.
“You’re wonderful, darling.”
“You, too. It’s my first experience. I’m in bliss with you.”
The love making lingered till 5 p.m. when it’s time for Nilu to drive back home. They walked down the stairs and Amal bade her good bye as she drove back home.
Prafullada saw Nilu driving away as Mr. Bose waved to her, happy and contented. Anu sent him with hot milk in a flask and honey for Mr. Bose to take as cure for his cold.Mr. Bose, unaware of what Prafullada had seen, took him to the room. The gardener saw two long black hair lying on the bed and smiled slyly as Mr. Bose was drinking the hot mixture. His earthly common sense doesn’t tell him to hold Nilu in high esteem and he often wonders why Anu ma’am is cordial with her.

“How’s Ma’am?” asked Mr. Bose.
“She’s cheerful,” replied Prafullada.
“Has she any message for me?”
“She hasn’t told anything.”
“Oh!” he exclaimed, visibly put out.
“Has Nilu ma’am returned?” Prafullada asked innocently.
“Nilu,I don’t know, perhaps she has,” he muttered, taken aback and in guilt and asked,” Doesn’t your ma’am know?”
“Maybe, she doesn’t. She’s silent about her.”
“They’re good friends, aren’t they?”
“I see ‘em together at the bungalow but ma’am never calls her.”
“Is it?”
“She comes on her own.Ma’am never goes to their house.”
“Interesting! They’re not friends!”
“Maybe, they’re not.Ma’am remains a silent listener when Nilu talks.”

It’s understandable, Prafullada’s a keen observer. He’s the clear perception that Nilu isn’t a welcome guest of Anu. The reason’s also perceptible.Anu likes tranquility for her brooding mind to remain active. The boisterous nature of Nilu doesn’t go with Anu’s serenity. Besides, Nilu’s intrusive, and tends to violate privacy. It’s interesting, when Anu’s mother visited her daughter and spent days in the bungalow, Nilu wasn’t seen anywhere near. But when Jerry came, she’s there for long hours even when Anu’s at office, and talked with him. This didn’t escape the eye of Prafullada.She’s the same role when Mr. Bose visits Anu. Now, Nilu calls Mr. Bose at his hotel room, and long hair lie on the bed.Mr. Bose wears short hair. “Should I report back to Anu what I’ve seen?” he began to think, seriously. As he’s on his way back to the bungalow, he’s weighing the options. He won’t allow anybody to harm Anu who’s away from home for peace. He now feels he shouldn’t have shown Mr. Bose the missive he preserves with care because he understands this note may have something relating to the melancholy of Anu. “Will Mr. Bose exploit his knowledge of the content of the letter to have his amorous relation with Nilu deepened?” thinks the gardener. He’s alarmed. This alarm makes him resolve,” I’ll tell ma’am what I’ve seen- Nilu’s seen off from the hotel and two long hair on the bed of Mr. Bose in the hotel room.”  ( continued on 10 April 2014)

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