Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wise Dudu Takes Over

Wise Dudu Takes Over Nidhu Bhusan Das Rupam has a new boss.He is young,reticent,and wears the air of intellectuality.A stubble moustache hides expression that may linger on his upper lip.The new boss Dudu Chakladar has inherited the chair and the property of his father who has died recently at a little known kolkata nursing home without any fanfare.The son has been quick to take over.Since then he has been quite prompt to establish his power and control on the mini media empire his father has built and left behind.Rupam has found a new importance in the dispensation of the new boss.Dudu is 35,father of one son,who is,unlike,Dudu lucky to have no sibling. Dudu need not think,like his father, of partitioning the property as he has the sole heir. Dudu is confident he knows everything of the trade. Saurav Chakladar had a team of confidantes whom Dudu would not like to deal with. He,quite reasonably and expectedly, has chosen his own team of young people who respect and follow him faithfully.This has created a withdrawal mood among those who feel let down after the demise of the founder of the empire.They have their own interpretation of the attitude of Dudu.They say Dudu suffers from inferiority complex which his young followers would not take.Rupam feels Dudu is wise enough to discard the old haggards and pick up his dynamic young team.In fact, there is nothing wrong in it.Every leader should have the privilege to choose his own team,be it in business, sports, politics and in other fields.Dudu in his wisdom would have it that the senior employees quit, being embarrassed. This, of course, is a pragmatic idea. Rupam , handpicked by the senior Chakladar for odd jobs , is a resourceful boy.He can sniff and follow events , decide which is the favourable current to float on. So,he quickfixed himself and remained constantly attached to Dudu when the father Chakladar was in the nursing home.Dudu has the impression Rupam was privy to the plans and programmes of his father,and,therefore, has made him his lieutenant. He thinks he would be able to keep his sister at bay from the media empire equipped with information shared from Rupam. In fact, he could. Elated,Rupam uses all his means to help upgrade those who ,he thinks, will remain loyal to him,whatever be the consequences for the empire.Rupam knows Dudu remains engrossed in stock trading, and is dependent on him for information about the day to day activities in the media houses. The executives of the houses also are,by now,aware of the fact and,thus, Rupam also commands their awe.What Rupam assesses and says becomes the decision of Dudu. Rupam felt Kalinath Roy,news-in-charge of The People should be replaced by Shyam Singh and Dudu in no time abliged him.Kalinath not being far away from retirement could not come in conflict with Dudu,who,he understands, is impertinent and see by the ear..With this change Dudu and Rupam have been able to strike terror on the old haggards and the executives to the delight of Rupam loyalists.The turn for Rupam to be rewarded handsomely has come. His loyalists are known to be close to the ruling party always,and party leaders ,in many cases, tend to be paper tigers.This fact has created opportunities for Rupam,his followers and Dudu.After the change of guards in the state,Dudu feels his extra-importance as a couple of ministers of the new government have established firm relationship with him.The new government pledged it would cleanse the academic institutions of corruptions and party-ism. But it has not happened,rather people alleged to be in corrupt practices are apparently sought to be relieved. Dudu asked Kalinath to contribute a post edit every week,and he issued a circular to the effect. Kalinath’s post edit on the the bungling of the couple of ministers at the Royal University irks Dudu who has been promised a large tract of land in Dreamland for his pet project of a tourist resort. Dudu is right,Rupam is wise,his loyalists are happy.Newspaper is for business,and editors like Dudu make business in different ways.Business ethics may not always go with media ethics.writers in newspapers with such editors do not have the freedom to write what he knows to be true.They have to know what the editor in his business interest knows to be true,or they are to be thrown overboard.

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