Wednesday, November 26, 2014

She Won't Reveal 29



            She Won’t Reveal (29)
                      Nidhu Bhusan Das

 Amlarem’s abuzz with a juicy story. It’s a news which has acquired dimensions.People’ve heard through the grapevine about the return of Nilu.Only it hasn’t reached the bungalow of Anu which is silent in gloom. However, the story of the house hasn’t brimmed over its four walls. People around look at the bungalow with awe and has reverence for the angel who owns it.Nilu’s always a talked about girl in the area. She’s a charisma for her beauty and amorous escapades. Before her last departure, she’d been beyond the reach of the common folks, and even overshot her family background. People couldn’t understand how Nilu and Anu were friends. They thought the company of Anu might chisel Nilu into a gracious girl. Her dating with the stranger Amal changed the popular perception, and when she departed with the trekker, rumours worked its way through the society. She returned to Amlarem face downcast last evening. Those who saw her disembarking from a taxi reported she’d lost the lustre and turned sickly.
             That morning well after Amal left for Mussoorie for a couple of days Nilu decided she’d leave. The passion of the parting kiss didn’t betray the mind of Nilu.Amal left assured. Soon after Amal left, Nilu sent the maid Babita with a long list of assorted things to be bought from different shops which would take at least a couple of hours. Once Babita’s out of door, Nilu began to pack and took enough cash and two debit cards of Amal she uses. She’d given Babita the duplicate key of the house saying if she’s in the bathroom by the time she returned she could open the door. She phoned a taxi operator’s office and asked for a taxi to travel to the railway station to catch UTTARANCHAL EXPRESS to Delhi at 11 a.m. She booked a berth online and telephoned Jerry requesting him to receive her at New Delhi at 9 p.m. Jerry’s enthusiastic and said he’d be there on time. She left the house as soon as the taxi arrived at 10 a.m.The train’s on time and she boarded it,relieved.She took with her the cell phone kept in the house for Babita to use so that the maid would remain delinked from Amal.
              She spent the whole 8 hours aboard planning what to do with the little one in her womb, and she’d tell Jerry of her predicament, and desire to do away with it and be with him for ever. During the journey she kept both the cell phones switched off and from time to time switched on hers to talk to Jerry and keep him in good humour.
          Finding the cell phones switched off, Amal became anxious, and started back and reached Dehradun early in the morning while Nilu’s abed in the warmth of Jerry. They’d a wonderful night together. Jerry didn’t mind her being pregnant, and throughout the night they’re busy making love. He said he’d arrange for the termination of the pregnancy if she’s serious about it. Also, he’d take her hand if and when she desired so. They spent the night in joy and planning. They left bed at 9 a.m. and spent wonderful time in the bath tub after morning tea. Now, after brunch they went to the clinic which Jerry contacted by phone. She’s admitted and it’s decided after pathological tests, the womb would be washed the next morning.Meanwhile, cash’s withdrawn from ATM as permissible.
Back in Dehradun, Amal’s terribly upset. He’s unable to comprehend the significance of the development. Babita’s clueless. He shared the development with Jyotirmoy by phone. Jyotirmoy found the news disturbing. He anticipated trouble for Amal in case there’s an accident. “God knows what’s in the mind of Nilu.Will she go back to Amlarem? Maybe, she won’t. She loves life and wants to enjoy it to the heels. She may have other plans. It’s possible she doesn’t like being mother right now. She’s ambitious. To her fulfillment of ambition comes first, then other considerations. So, Amal may remain unconcerned,” he thought.
            In the cabin of the clinic Nilu’s cheerful after a long time and felt comfortable, really. Jerry comforted her with kisses and tender talk. It’s decided after the termination they’d marry. The physical contact brought about their psychological proximity, and they felt it thoughtfully.” No second thought, we’re together for ever. None can split us,” said Jerry, confident.
“Are you sure?” Nilu’s eager to know.
“Have you any doubt, dear?”
“I don’t know,” said Nilu clasping his hand.
“Let’s forget the past, live in the present and look forward to the future,” said Jerry smiling.
“Can you, really, forget my past with Amal?” asked Nilu with doubt in her eyes.
“Forget that and forgive Amal,” Jerry’s gracious.
             Though rarest of the rare, Nilu’d the post-abortion complications. She’d severe abdominal and back pain and couldn’t stand up, fever above 100.4 F. She had to remain under medical care for about a month. She became weak and lost the lustre.The doctor said she’d regain health soon. Jerry’s concerned but strongly believed what the doctor said about her recovery. Come what may, he wouldn’t part from Nilu.He came to love her, and would be happy to have a sweet revenge on Anu who’d insulted him at her house in Amlarem where he’s sent by Arup as his emissary.
The complications over, Nilu desired to go to Amlarem to see her parents and tell them she’d marry Jerry, a brilliant professor in Delhi. Jerry encouraged her and they flew to Guwahati.According to the plan of Nilu, he put up in a hotel in Guwahati and Nilu went to Amlarem. The news of Nilu’s return spread like wildfire. That very night Nilu settled the issue of her intended marriage with her parents who wouldn’t go against the decision of the daughter. She called Jerry and her parents invited him to rush to Amlarem to solemnize the marriage. Hurriedly wedding cards were readied. Nilu’s parents came and personally invited Anu to attend the ceremony.Anu smiled sadly and said,” I’d definitely go if I’m well. My health’s going indifferent these days.”
             Jerry rang up his mother, discussed the issue and called her to fly to Guwahati.She knows Anu, and has come to know about her son’s recent affair with Nilu.She loved Anu so much that when Jerry went to visit her, she sent a variety of chocolates she knew Anu liked. She’s shocked when Jerry reported Anu’s rude to him and showed him the servant’s room to spend the night. She consented to the marriage. The next day she flew to Guwahati and joined the son, cheerful. Ms A.G. Brown, a senior editor in the Delhi Bureau of an international publishing house, is a widow and liberal Anglo-Indian. Jerry shared everything about Nilu with his mother. She attended on Nilu like a mother during her post-abortion problem. They reached Amlarem Friday evening and wedding’s on Sunday. They put up at Hotel Cynthia.
            The weather’s pleasant, the leaves were green and birds were eloquent under the placid sky.Ms Brown thought it’s the auspicious time for her son’s wedding.Nilu and her parents visited them at the hotel.Ms Brown treated them with coffee and snacks, and invited them to lunch the following day.
                   At night during lunch Jerry suggested that they might go and invite Anu to the wedding. Ms Brown shrugged off the suggestion: “Son, don’t be silly. Who’s she to be invited? Forget all those rocking days. Be serious from now on. You must be a responsible husband.” ( continued on 4th December 2014)

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