She Won’t Reveal (22)
Bhusan Das

Nilu knows
about the Devadasi system in Assam . It has overtones including erotic one. It’s a tribal
practice and tantric rite.Nilu looks upon Devadasis as bonded women. She feels
she’s now a bonded woman, a victim of sexual exploitation.Anu couldn’t be
unaware of such exploitation.
Amal is
masculine in all aspects, and Nilu like masculinity. Yet she cannot like Amal
although he’s vigorous in bed. He’s bestial vigour while Jyotirmoy and Jerry
have beauty in their approach. They’ve the art and refinement while he’s
crude.Her possibilities are doomed, being under the control of Amal.He knows the
game better than she does. He now isn’t against her going back to Kolkata or
Amlarem. But she cannot return for obvious reason. She cannot face Jyotirmoy or
Anu. She doesn’t know Anu’s in trouble. Jyotirmoy and Jerry telephone her but
she cannot express herself because she isn’t free. Both Nilu and Anu’ve a kind
of identical problem, though they‘re in different situation. But one thing’s
common. Both of them live in a world of fiction. It’s like this:

You still shall tramp and tread one endless round
Of thought, to justify your action to yourselves,
Weaving a fiction which unravels as you weave,
Pacing forever in the hell of make-believe
Which never is belief: this is your fate on earth
And we must think no further of you.”
priest in Murder in the Cathedral by T.S. Eliot
justifies her association and sex with Amal. She tells herself, ‘I did it to
pursue my dream. Amal’s the person through whom I got to Jyotirmoy.This happens
in the world. Connections are important. You cannot go high without
Anu’s also
her justifications for her omissions and commissions. She ratiocinates: ‘What
else could I do being the victim of parental neglect? Arup’s there who
understood by loneliness empathetically. True, I lost him because of my whims
and caprices. Maybe, I asked too much from him. His parents were so good.
They’d call me MAA. They’re very affectionate. It’s my fault I couldn’t be
their daughter-in-law. But Arup’s also to be blamed. He misunderstood and
tilted to Mita which I couldn’t accept. Well, I could have been tactical which
I’m now. But being tactical is not also beyond criticism, and I cannot bring to
bear that. I’ve taken to Tantra Sadhana for salvation. But here are again
strategies and stratagems. This is irritating. Whenever I’m questioned,
explicitly or implicitly, I’m irritated. I misbehave, even with well wishers.
Now I’m on the plateau, don’t know what to do. Yes, I’m headstrong and arrogant.
I understand I am not on the right track, cannot prevent mistakes. So, I’m
irritated, always.But what can I do?’
But Anu’s
her Thammi to fall back upon. She won’t go against her advice. She’s her
mentor, if not Guru. But Thammi’s her last resort, she believes.Nilu’s none to
rely on right now. She doesn’t care what her parents tell. She believes her
parents cannot understand the world of literati. Both are boastful, but Anu
gives in to Thammi. This is positive aspect of Anu, and right now Nilu’s
without any hope.
They’re now
in the bath tub.Amal fondles her. They’re locked in a kiss.Nilu looks more and
more beautiful as her pregnancy advances. Amal likes it. He hasn’t yet decided
what he’ll do – marry her or continue to live together as long as desirable to
both of them. In fact, Amal isn’t sure about the next course of action of Nilu.
An ambitious girl can do anything to get her dream fulfilled. Emotion, feeling
and such other considerations don’t carry them. Amal himself doesn’t attach
importance to such things. He won’t have any remorse if she leaves her after
the birth of the child. Of course he’ll feel defeated. So, he’s strategies to
keep her bound. Both of them know they’ve the strategic relation sans emotion.
The embryo’s going to be born as a pleasure-child. She may not love the child
as is expected of a mother. The child’s unwanted for her. She’s for the
termination of the pregnancy even now. But he won’t let it happen anyway. He’s
chained her, and would see to it that she cannot get unshackled. Already he’s
sent messages to Jyotirmoy and Jerry that Nilu’s going to be mother of his
child. News to this effect has been spread in Amlarem.Anu would have come to
know it had she not been in her self-made trouble.Amal’s for now sure Nilu’s
nowhere to go. She’s no other alternative but to stay with him like an obedient
housewife or a partner-in-sex.
Anu doesn’t
have any such problem. She’s able to restrain herself and resist amorous
They’re now
in the bath tub. The bath tub really is the place haunted by Eros and
love-juice oozes out and pastes them. Now they’re busy making love. Past and
future aren’t their concern at the moment when lust turns into love and
confirms their physical and emotional union. This is the moment of bliss, and
they would like the moment be infinite.Nilu feels Amal, who has the physical
prowess and erotic excellence is the right person for her.Amal thinks she’s his
girl, and would never part from her, come what may. The mirrors on the walls
reflect their image-in-union. The water in the tub gives off the aroma secreted
from their bodies and thus enhances their fixation.
Back in
Amlarem, another Himalayan location of idyllic beauty, Anu’s in a fix.
Everything around appears to be grey to her. She’s in remorse, and cannot decide
what to do to prevent an impending disaster. She’s navigated many a time the turbulent
sea of trouble and negotiated adverse situations. This time even Thammi doesn’t
support her whimsical actions. She’s been asked to face the music. She ponders,
cool and meditative. She must tide over the problem of her own creation. True,
she who ties the knot can untie it. So, Anu must unmake what she’s made,
rebuild the bridges she’s unbuilt with her parents, Prafullada and Angshu.
Maybe, interested parties, if any, will come in the way and try to unhinge her
mind but, she knows, she shouldn’t go against the advice of Thammi. Sujata and
Prof. Sanyal are there to help her. She understand, they’re her friends in need
and in their presence she’s going to regain her strength and good sense. ( continued on 16 October 2014 )
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