She Won’t Reveal (17)
Nidhu Bhusan Das

Joy and concern are the dominant emotion in
the flat of Amal Bose.Nilu’s menopause has led to this mixed feeling. It’s Sunday.
North wind isn’t felt. They’ve lunch at home.Abed, Amal fingers the hair of
Nilu.She’s concerned that she’s going to be mother.She, in fact, doesn’t want
it.Amal’s definitely happy, not because he’d be the father. He understands
Nilu’s now his consort for ever.Nilu insists on abortion, Amal puts up
“Dear, it isn’t the right time for us to be
parents,” she says persistently.
”Why, dear, what’s the problem,”Amal asks,
kissing her.
“Let’s not spoil our joy being parents so
early.Besides, we should be married first.”
“It isn’t necessary, honey.”
“Who’ll be recognized as the legitimate
biological parents of our child? Think on it, seriously.”
“That’s no problem. Judicial decision
recognizes the legitimacy of a child born of live-together.”
Here the last defence of Nilu appears to
crack. But she’s desperate, won’t give up easily. She’s for maintaining
simultaneous strategic relations with Amal, Jerry and even Professor Jyotirmoy
Sarkar. She knows Jerry and Prof Sarkar are also infatuated with her. Jerry’s
in regular communication with her.Prof. Sarkar cuddles up to her whenever she’s
in his chamber with him alone. Naturally it’d be unwise for her to be a mother.
Amal is just a step for her to climb the ladder of her academic career. Maybe,
she’s now in a position to exert her own influence on Prof. Sarkar.If the professor
has an inkling of her being pregnant, he may be disinterested. So, she cannot
right away accept what Amal decides. His decision cannot be in keeping with her
ambition. She knows she must use her glamour and Aryan features to have her
dream fulfilled. Amal isn’t aware of what’s in the mind of his virtual consort.
He continues to fondle her, licks her, face to knee, front and back while she
feigns sleep to ruminate.
“The blunder’s at the hotel in Jowai,” she
“Amal wanted it.I couldn’t resist his
animal spirit,” she recalls.
“Even then couldn’t I prevent what he
sprinkled into me?” she asks herself.
“But Amal’s determined,” she understands
“Jyotirmoy had already shown interest in me
at the hotel in Shillong,” she feels now.
“Couldn’t I respond more intensely that
time to get rid of Amal?” she thinks.
“Jyotirmoy’s SauvĂ©, his eyes speak of love,
I could read it,” she understands.
“Why couldn’t I say ‘I love you’ sir?” she
“But Jerry’s in mind. I rely on him. He’ll
do something for me, I believe, to take a sweet revenge for the maltreatment
meted out to him by Anu,” she argues.
With the right hand on the breast of Nilu,
Amal has gone back to his Saint Xavier’s days and remembered how he came to be
the cause of the suicide of Rituparna Ghosh.Now he feels for the girl who’s,
unlike Nilu, meek and credulous, and, therefore, couldn’t stand the shock when
he turned his back to her.Nilu, he understands, isn’t reliable, and may leave
him anytime without scruples. It would be unwise on his part to go by what she
asks for i.e., to terminate the pregnancy. In that case he would lose her, he
“I cannot let it happen,” he believes.
“But if Nilu sneaks out?” he’s suspicious.
“Where may she go? She’s ambitious. Is it
Jyotirmoy that she’ll go to?” he tries to guess.
“Jyotirmoy’s lascivious.Nilu could be his
attraction,” he’s certain.
“Well let me take her to Dehra Doon.We may
live there a couple of months in the comfort of the Himalayan spring. During
the time her pregnancy will be prominent. This will deter her from dating with
Jyotirmoy,” he plans.
Amal and Nilu are together for tactical
reasons- Amal wants to drink the beauty of Nilu and satiate his lust; Nilu uses
him as a step of the ladder she climbs to achieve her academic dream. They’ve
no love lost between them. A tributary or a distributary has a natural relation
with the main river which an artificial canal doesn’t have. In a confluence the
rivers come together willingly as the lovers do. No emotional relation exists
between Amal and Nilu.Amal’s, therefore, apprehensive of the sustenance of the
relation while Nilu knows it’s a temporary alliance and they’re two strange
bedfellows only. Even an arranged marriage isn’t meaningful and easy-going if
it isn’t immediately fertilized with the emotion of love. Any such relation’s
simply a socio-economic alliance or strategic come-together sans emotion.Nilu
and Amal understand it.
The ambience in the flat isn’t that of love
and finer feelings but of intrigue. Even in the inclement weather a couple of
doves make love in the mango tree outside in joy which this live-together
cannot generate. Their hearts are incapable of having tenderness. They’re
cerebral. They tend to go by the logic of convenience. Amal doesn’t want to win
the heart, what he wants to have is the serpentine beauty of Nilu while her
interest in him has evaporated as soon as she’s understood that Jyotirmoy’s there to take her. Does she have
any feeling for Jyotirmoy? She’s now in the spacious bathroom, and remembers
the time she spent with Amal naked in the tub gulping beer as they could see
themselves making love in the mirror covering the walls. She again looks at her
reflection in the mirror to understand if there has been any change in her
after the menopause. She smiles, and feels she must terminate the pregnancy in
no time and tell Jyotirmoy, passionately “I love you!” She knows she would
protest love keeping in mind Jerry who would be a bigger catch. She sees her
armpit is clean and the pubic hair is trimmed. Any one with taste would like
it. She decides she would go to the hairdresser this late afternoon.
Amal has been waiting for her to come out.
He clasps her and pulls her onto the bed. Libidinous after being assured of her
physical glory, she yields. She now lies on her back with Amal on her, kissing
her beautiful eyes. The sun’s gone down, the usual refreshing breeze from the Ganga blows, and Nilu
remembers her first encounter with Jyotirmoy in the hotel room in the cold
December in Shillong. ( continued on 14th
August 2014 )