Saturday, September 21, 2013

Virtual World

                    Virtual Mom
                                                 Nidhu Bhusan Das

Ma chere Maman,
               Hope you are cheerful. Our conversation last night got disrupted because of net failure. Never mind, it happens when we’re in the virtual world. Now tell me what’s in your mind. You couldn’t tell what you think of me. I understand it’s difficult. But we must overcome.
              Well, you know my assessment of you. It’s objective, no flattery, as you may think. I believe you could have an academic position at a centre of excellence could you have devoted yourself to study. You could not. It happens in adolescence. Some can avoid the lure, others cannot. You were, if I’m not wrong, in the grip of amorous abbreviations like bf and gf, and that ate away a lot of study time. Yet you won a gold medal in MCA. This is not a mean achievement. This suggests you have the potential for scaling heights. Use this for your ascent in career.
             I know you would say,’ I’m not for temporal gain… in meditation for spiritual enlightenment.’ So, you have suggested I should begin to read about Gautama Buddha and his philosophy. Yes, mom, I’ll do it. I’m also for enlightenment. Astrological forecast is that I’ll one day leave behind the illusion of family life and go into the life of meditation away from everyone, near and dear. I feel the urge to go away into solitude, but the sense of responsibility pulls back. My younger daughter who is ill and innocent like a divine gift and my consort who is a simple lady and perfect homemaker hold me back. Will it be right to leave them? This is the pertinent question. I don’t know the answer. Can you help me?
           I understand you’re in quest for peace away from parents and friends in the land of clouds. You have told me you would never again choose to live in the plains. I know the symbolism associated with mountains. They represent the heaven. They’re the abode of our pantheon. You may be in touch with the pantheon, and, therefore, could find peace in isolation. You live in a house in Jowai, Meghalaya which, to ordinary people, appears to be haunted. You’ve opted for a difficult road with courage and determination. So, you’re the right person I should rely on for advice in this regard.
           I know, though your son, I’ll not have your access, as we’re in the virtual world of relationship. Is the spiritual world different from the virtual world? They appear to be alike. Both are illusive to me. I strive to reach you, but you’re elusive. The virtual is so different from reality.
           Okay,mom, good night
            Your doting son